
全棉时代推出女士无侧缝文胸,我们聚焦不同身材的女性,凝聚光影、自然柔软之物,演绎无束缚的自由自在; 确定产品“自在治愈”的风格调性,输出平面/TVC等视觉大片;倾听身体感受,用柔软、自在的力量治愈身心,传递每种身形都值得被柔软拥抱的品牌价值观。

PurCotton releases female no-side-seam bra. We concentrate on females of different sizes and gather light, shadow, natural and soft things to present the unrestrained freedom.

Ensure the free and healing product style, create plane / TVC visual productions; listen to the body’s feelings, heal body and mind with soft and free power, deliver the brand value that each body shape deserves a soft hug.